I think that round tables are one of the situations in which my work of visual synthesis can bring more value. When several people confront their ideas, the paths they propose diverge and
converge permanently, and visual support can help clarify everything.
The APD (Association for the Progress of Management) invited me to collaborate in the 2 NationalCongress of Human Resources, illustrating discussion tables. These were fundamental issues such as ‘Are we training our young people to face their future with guarantees?
As often happens in these cases, while the speakers developed their thesis, I tried to capture the most relevant concepts on a blackboard on one side of the stage. But, on this occasion, my work was projected on the huge screen of the Palau de Congresos de Catalunya in real time. And many of the Palau attendees were kind enough to tag photos of my visual synthesis with the hashtag #visualthinking. Thank you!.
The congress was conducted by Javier Luxor, renowned mentalist and magnificent presenter. He invited me to comment before the public one of the reflections that convince me most about the value of my work: “when you connect the two hemispheres, the brain shines”.