As you probably know, José María Gay de Liébana has a very particular way of telling things. Of course, direct, powerful, it is a real machine gun of ideas and concepts. a challenge fro those who are dedicated to visually translate the ideas of others…
But it is also true that it is a pleasure to work visually with a person who explains concepts so
graphically using only the power of the word. I was lucky to illustrate the José María Masterclass at the CEDEU (Center for University Studies) of the Rey Juan Carlos University, in which he analyzed the keys to the current economic context.
It is very interesting to know data on how to address existing macroeconomic imbalances. But
when you use concepts like “we grow up grooooooown ” or “with this system we don’t go anywhere” and it offers me the opportunity to portray the incredible perennial tan of Christine Lagarde, in addition to understanding better, the fun is bigger.